Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Killer escapes mental hospital, flies to California

Killer escapes mental hospital, flies to California

The Maui Police Department
provided a photo
Randall Toshio Saito,
who escaped from Hawaii state hospital.
By The Maui Police Department
11:40 11/15/17 Nicole Demetrashvili
After leaving the state hospital in Honolulu at 10a.m., Randall Toshio Saito did not return.
Saito has a history of persevering to get released from the hospital, but continuously failing. "He is a psychopathic predator whose mental condition continues to represent a serious danger to the community," Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Jeffrey Albert said at the time.
This man's escape was very alarming to many people, given Saito's reputation as a sexual sadist and necrophiliac.

It was not clear how Saito could leave the hospital in Kaneohe, a Honolulu suburb. Hawaii State Hospital Administrator William May said authorities are completely coordinating with law implementation and proper advances would be taken if Saito got assistance from somebody inside the facility.
Hazardous mental patients have escaped as of late from different U.S. mental facilities, most as of last year, when a man blamed for tormenting a lady to death escaped Washington state's biggest mental hospital.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Citizens of Puerto Rico Explore different Survival methhods

It has being more than a month since hurricane Maria devastated the small island of Puerto Rico.  The citizens of all social classes are being forced to seek different methods of survival.  Many have  been seeking shelter in locations like tool sheds, school buildings and the home of other family members. Puerto Rico's poor have been driven into further poverty. For example Iris Perez and her two adult daughter have been forced to seek shelter in a elementary school. They describe the environment as  unbearably hot and infested with mosquitos.  Those who are part of a higher social classes have to learn to adjust to a lifestyle that is completely different comparing to the one that they were living before. Families and communities are coming together to ensure that everyone has something to eat and a place to stay.


Image result for Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico disaster "Hurricane in Puerto Rico"
Island in crisis teachings about Puerto Rico By: Victor J. Blue

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Bigot Hurls Unknown Liquid Into 13-year-old Girl's Face in Queens

The partisan responsible for throwing an unknown liquid into the face of a 13-year-old girl has not yet been identified. This hate crime was administered by a black man and was directed towards a Caucasian female. As the girl finished school on Tuesday, October 25th, she started heading home only to turn around to a man who stood behind her and splashed a liquid onto her. Thankfully, the liquid was identified to be a beverage, not a poisonous chemical; the girl reported feeling a slight burning sensation around her eyes for a couple moments. Thinking ahead, the girl captured the man in a photo on her phone as he fled the scene. The girl has no choice but to continue using public transportation, even after the scary incident.

The NYPD was searching for this man
with this photo taken by the victim of the

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Trump Just Doesn't Care About Calfornia

On October 9, 2017, a wildfire spread throughout Northern California. The wildfire has led to the death of forty-two people with many more people missing. Up to 8,400 structures are gone in Northern California. But what was Donald Trump doing as the wildfire raged across Northern California? Well, one thing for sure, he's mind wasn't on the California wildfire. As the California wildfire occurred, Trump was busy celebrating the condition of the stock market and like always, talking bad about the media through the use of his twitter account. It wan't until Wednesday, that Trump decided to speak up about the wildfire. On his twitter account, Trump posted, "Our hearts are with all affected by the wildfires in California." So many days have passed since the start of the wildfire and this is when Trump decides to talk about the wildfire. Trump, as far as I can see, only posted something about the wildfire so that people won't look bad at him for not doing something about such a tragedy.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Women speak out against sexual harassment and abuse.

Harvey Weinstein's an important figure in the entertainment industry, has being accused of sexually harassing several actress. The public exposure of this prominent individual has inspired an online campaign in which, women around the world are sharing their personal stories of sexual harassment and abuse. Several women have felt inspired to identity and press charges against their abusers.  In response to this event the board of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts has taken away Mr. Weistein's membership. He is also currently under investigation. Many entertainers are happy as it appears the industry is finally taking the necessary actions to prevent future cases of harassment. However, in the rise of this controversial issue many are being warned  to not entertain false accusations on social media. Prior to reposting a story, make sure the story is truthful. Wrongfully accusing someone  of sexual misconduct  can have a permanent negative affect on their life.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Teacher Duct Tapes Students’ Mouths at Texas Elementary School

A substitute teacher — whose name was not released — was fired from a Texas elementary school after students reported that the incident where he put duct tape over their mouths. One of the fifth graders at Maxdale Elementary School, Carmello Brooks, explained to his mother the events, saying he ripped the first strip of duct tape off his face, until the substitute teacher, upon noticing the absence of duct tape on the student's face, return to put another piece over his mouth. Carmello, and 12 other students, reportedly had their mouths covered with duct tape for at about 15 minutes. Luckily, not long after hearing the commotion coming from the classroom across the hall, another teacher went in to check on the kids and immediately took control. The students who were entangled in the event were escorts to the nurse immediately after it was bought to attention. 

Friday, October 13, 2017

Mission Satement

The purpose of Current Phenomenon is to provide a platform for individuals to discuss current issues happening around the world. We want to achieve this by providing facts and and different opinions about the specific event.The audience that we want to reach are teenagers and young adults.