Sunday, October 22, 2017

Women speak out against sexual harassment and abuse.

Harvey Weinstein's an important figure in the entertainment industry, has being accused of sexually harassing several actress. The public exposure of this prominent individual has inspired an online campaign in which, women around the world are sharing their personal stories of sexual harassment and abuse. Several women have felt inspired to identity and press charges against their abusers.  In response to this event the board of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts has taken away Mr. Weistein's membership. He is also currently under investigation. Many entertainers are happy as it appears the industry is finally taking the necessary actions to prevent future cases of harassment. However, in the rise of this controversial issue many are being warned  to not entertain false accusations on social media. Prior to reposting a story, make sure the story is truthful. Wrongfully accusing someone  of sexual misconduct  can have a permanent negative affect on their life.

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